The reason why the ecosystem is in danger is obvious and the threats are clear. The reason why it is still in danger and why there are still threats is because of the lack of appreciation and awareness. Because of the lack of awareness, the resources derived by the biodiversity is taken for granted. Enforcing the importance of biodiversity, and its value, is critical. Awareness needs to be spread worldwide to save forests all around the globe. It especially needs to be known and continuously taught to the youth because they are the next ones that will be able to take action. Getting students getting involved in preserving the ecosystem by establishing the importance of the forests and letting them find out what kind of tremendous harm is being done to the biodiversity can certainly bring awareness. It's time to take action but action cannot be accomplished before the importance and value is known. Spread the awareness! Save our biodiversity!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
What is Biodiversity?
There may be some confusion as to what we mean by biodiversity. Just like there is diversity amongst people in different communities, there is diversity within our environment, and we depend on it everyday! There is not a year, a month, a week, a day, a second that we do not depend on the diverse species that exist amongst us! DON'T BELIEVE US? Well, where do we get our oxygen from? What do we depend on to eliminate carbon emissions? How do we enrich the soil where food is grown? Where does the medications that develop come from? THE ANSWER IS BIODIVERSITY! We depend on plants and trees to elimiate carbon emissions and provide oxygen for us to breathe. Can you go without breathing? (PLEASE DON'T TRY THIS!) We depend on worms, insects, bacteria, and tiny microorganisms to break down wastes and help to decompose plants and animals in order to enrich our soils. We depend on numerous plants and animals in order to develop medicines to save our lives! WHO IS WILLING TO GIVE UP SOMETHING THIS GREAT? Biodiversity is everything around you! The animals we see, the plants and trees we admire, the streams and waterfalls, the natural environment around you. IT'S HERE FOR A REASON!!!! It is our job to protect it! NOT CONVINCED TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT,YET? Well, that's why we are here! Take a look at the rest of our blog to learn more about just how important our world is to you, me, and future generations. Don't let our world disappear.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Do You Know?
There are approximately 10 to 100 million species on Earth, although only 1.7 million of them have been recorded and described so far. As far as now, the loss of biodiversity is greater than any time in the past. Some 100 species are being LOST everyday! We just simply do not know what we are throwing away. Each species has role in an ecosystem and a balance must be maintained. Most ecosystems can withstand some abuse and regenerate as long as most species involved are still present. For instance, if we cut down half of a forest, the other half will soon cover the denuded area in 50 to a hundred years. So with the loss of biodiversity, forests will not be easily covered in a short amount of time, maybe they won't even be covered.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
What Are the Causes of Biodiversity Loss?
H = Habitat Destruction
I = Introduced Species
P = Pollution
P = Population Growth
O = Over-consumption
I : Invasive Species - Because of the balance of nature, when a new species is taken from its natural environment and introduced to a new environment, it adapts to the new living conditions and invades the space of the native plants even killing them.
P : Pollution - Heavy metals, oils, and common household chemicals run off into our waterways Much of our skies and affect many wildlives in the world. Waters are becoming very polluted. The pollution is causing many of our species going extinct adding to our biodiversity loss.
P : Over Population - With the world's population estimated to double within the next 12 years, more people will be using natural resourses, and of course it will cause possible increase in habitat destruction and more waste generated. Thus we will end up losing even more of our animals diversities.
O : Overharvesting - With the increasing need for farmland much of our soil's quality are decreasing. When plants are harvested, it is found that the same soil most likely can't be used again. Instead of trying to salvage the land, many farmers clear more land to use. This is adding to the deforestation of forests, and clearing of animal's home. We are also decreasing the quality of our earth's soils and taking with it the nutrients. Also with less trees, we are making the soil more susceptible to erosion.
What Are the Consequence of Biodiversity Loss?
A diversity of healthy, functioning ecosystems is essential for maintaining our quality of life and economic viability into the future. So what are the consequences of this continual loss of native plant and animal species?
Number of plant species alter number of functional groups, the biomass of plants produced in a grassland, also the amount of nutrients lost to the soil and the plant biomass consumed.
The loss of diversity has tremendous consequences for ecosystem processes. Reduced plant diversity led to changes in the way the whole ecosystem performed. Because they grew less, they also took up less carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, showing that loss of biodiversity might increase the effects of climate change by reducing the ability of ecosystems to absorb carbon dioxide.
We should take action now, thousand of species are threatened nowadays. If we don't make any efforts, the world will be gradually DISAPPEARING!!! We won't have a nice and peaceful home to live, our world will be darkness, and eventually we will be regretted. So do something now, being always alert about the environment around you, recycling is a good way of protecting the environment, and therefore save our biodiversity!
Why is Biodiversity Important?
As you know, biodiversity is a shortened and blended form of biology and diversity. Also, biodiversity is known as genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity.For species diversity, a classic example would be a reef ecosystem which is composed of corals, fishes, mollusks and plants. Habitat diversity can be represented by Africa where we find rainforests, savannahs, and deserts.
Although we explained that biodiversity is IMPORTANT because we are highly dependent on other species for survival, it is also important to understand that each species are fulfilling a role that keeps life on Earth in balance, biodiversity provides us many services, such as ecosystem services,biological resources and social benefits.
If we somehow fail to protect other species as stewards of nature, the failure is more to ourselves than to them!Friday, May 1, 2009
What is our role?
Our earth have been undergoing the process of evolution for over 4 billion years now. Our unique biodiversity is the result of this long process. Its unique to different ecosystems and this calls for measures for conserving these biodiversity in their own ecosystems. Over the years if we have learned anything at all from our nature, it is to not upset mother nature.
Nature has its own way of running things balanced. Any addition or subtraction to the nature’s cycle can result in an imbalance which can lead to many negative consequences and even harm the food chain. For example, we know that trees play an important role in our ecosystem. If the trees are chopped off for industrial or any other purpose extensively from one area, various consequences like mudslides, soil erosion, etc arise. This can also result in the lack of habitat for organisms like birds and squirrels that used to live in these trees. Many such disturbances inflicted to the nature can result in a series of consequences which can eventually damage our environment and pose serious threats to the existence of its dependents like us.
As dependents of our environment, our role as humans therefore is to minimize such causes that harm our biodiversity. From helping recycle to planting a seed, the amount of things we can do to save our biodiversity is countless. We can help minimize the disturbances and help run the nature on its own terms thereby guaranteeing ourselves a healthy and bright future. All we have to do is remember: Every bit of effort helps us live a little longer.
What Can You Do?
1. Use less energy! Just like Temple has been trying to do their part in conserving energy, so can you! Turn off anything and everything that is not being used. Even if you shut off an appliance, it is still using power, so be sure to unplug it! THIS PUTS A LITTLE MORE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET,TOO SO WHY NOT? USE THAT MONEY FOR A FUN NIGHT OUT!
2. Recycle! Be sure to recycle plastic bottles, paper, bags, etc. You are saving trees and other resources that are important for you! Can you imagine a world with nothing beautiful to look at? (DON'T SAY YOU CAN JUST LOOK IN THE MIRROR!)
3. Conserve water! Long, hot showers are always nice! But, they don't have to be all the time! Try to conserve the water you use as much as possible. Try to take shorter showers and less baths. Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth; don't allow the water just run! Also, try washing and drying only full loads of laundry!
4. Plant a tree! Trees are being used on a daily basis to produce materials such as paper. Plant a tree for yourself! It gives you oxygen, it eliminates carbon emissions, it's just pretty to look at, and YOU get to take all the credit!
5. Carpool, use public transportation, or buy a hybrid! Pollution is one of the major causes for why our environment is in danger! So consider carpooling with friends, using public transportation (WHILE SAVING GAS MONEY!!!!), or buying a hybrid! You will be saving your environment so take action!
Temple University Does Energy Conservation